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Magazine Creation

In the Fall of 2019, as a sophomore at Stonehill I took LC 203 (Learning Community: Creating a Magazine: Exploring the Big Questions). Learning Communities feature collaboratively taught classes that foster learning and community for students from different academic disciplines. The vision for this Learning Community (LC) grew out of conversations about how students wrestle with the Big Questions facing their generation. Today's young adults, like so many generations before them, sit astride huge cultural upheavals, from the explosive growth of social media, to the decline of traditional religion, to the ascendancy of social justice issues like gay marriage, climate change, and immigration, to globalization and more. These questions connect in important ways to enduring themes in intellectual history and the contemporary search for meaning, which form the basis for this Learning Community. Students in this LC conceptualize, design, and produce a magazine, both as a class and as individuals. The content, writing, and images, in their personal magazines comes from their own work in the classes.


I spent the entire semester writing, designing, and creating this 32-page magazine. All the advertisements, stories, cartoons, and most of the photography is original. 

Magazine anchor
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